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Very Detailed True Starfish Fossil - Petraster
Stock Number  XIST712

Name:   Petraster sp.
Age:  Ordovician
Formation:  Ktaoua Formation
Location:  Morocco
Size:  Starfish is 1.2 inches across
Price:  $47.00

Here is a very nice starfish specimen from the Ordovician of Morocco. This plate contains a beautiful, complete Petraster starfish. The fossil sea star exhibits excellent detail - all five of the extremely long arms are intact, and the plate structure is easily seen. It is extremely unusual to have all five arms intact and splayed out. The fossil has excellent orange-brown coloration that contrasts strikingly with the light tan matrix. The fossil is beautifully showcased on the large, natural block of sandstone. This is a very cool true starfish fossil from North Africa.

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