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EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Fabulous Detailed Aglaspid
Stock Number  XIOA39

Name:   Chlupacaris dubia, n. gen., n. sp.
Age:  Ordovician
Formation:  Basal Upper Fezouata Formation
Location:  Dra Valley, Morocco
Size:  Plate is 1.5 inches across
Price:  $28.00

Here is a plate with an extremely rare trilobite-eating organism from the class, Merostomata and order, Aglaspida. This animal, Chlupacaris dubia, n. gen., n. sp., is one of the rarer and most unusual organisms to be found in these Ordovician layers. This excellent specimen has the textbook head and thorax extremely well preserved. This is a collectible example of this little-known and enigmatic arthropod from the Ordovician.

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